



The Department of Biotechnology established in the year October 1994, offers a three year Under Graduate level Program with an intake of 20 students assisted by University Grants Commission (UGC) under H.K.E. Society’s Smt. Veeramma Gangasiri Degree College for Women, Kalaburagi. The Department inauguration was done by Dr. Rudrayya, the then Vice-Chancellor, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga; Dr. B. G. Jawali was the President of H. K. E. Society.


To provide Quality Education and to develop competent Biotechnologists for the welfare of society. Students can employ premium processes and applications which will profoundly influence existing paradigm of agriculture, industry, healthcare and restoration of environment providing sustainable competitive edge to societal benefits.


  • To regularly update the students, catering to the needs of academia and industry.
  • To emphasize the recent trends in Biotechnology through workshops and seminars.
  • To inculcate students with in-depth knowledge of research aspects.
  • To realize full potential of Biotechnology.
  • Enhance efficiency skills of students and to make them build socio-economic consciousness and uplift their ideas towards improvement of the area of their interests.


The Department of Biotechnology came into existence as one of the independent Department of Biological Sciences in Smt. Veeramma Gangasiri Women’s Degree College with a vision to be a leading biotechnology department that imparts quality education with strong research oriented technical skills and components on various branches of Biotechnology.

About Biotechnology

Biotechnology is regarded as one of the most important disciplines, a thrust area for its effective implementation at undergraduate level as a first degree vocational course. It is also considered as task force in generating self-employment and employment avenues. Biotechnology has emerged as a driving force not just for the exploration of Biological Sciences but also the Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences and Informational Technology.

Biotechnology is the use of living organisms for human benefits. By this definition, Biotechnology would date back to the very beginnings of civilization, when humankind first learned to cultivate crops and domesticate animals in a system of agriculture. When one thinks of Modern Biotechnology was revolutionized when scientists first learned how to isolate and clone genes, allowing for genetic engineering.

Today, the biotechnology industry has grown and expanded to affect us on a day-to-day basis. As such the knowledge at the under- graduate level of such an important and an applied subject has greater justification of orienting of our young generation towards a meaningful future, is a valuable legacy that a society can leave behind.

With this background the Department of Biotechnology at Under-graduate level has been imparting knowledge of Biotechnology for serving the cause of education of the people of this region in particular and the nation at large.


S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Photo Qualification Profile Link
1 Smt. Mangala Biradar Lecturer M.Sc Microbiology view profile

Courses & Syllabus

Under-graduate Curriculum

The department functions on the lines drawn by the UGC and Karnataka State Women University, Vijayapura in the form of syllabus. Following are the disciplines/ areas involved in Teaching/Learning Biotechnology, where it is taught as one of the optional subject along with Chemistry and Botany.

The course consists of six semesters introduced from 2007-2008

  • I    Semester     : Cell Biology and Cytogenetics
  • II   Semester     : Biochemistry
  • III  Semester     : Microbiology and Immunology
  • IV  Semester     : Molecular Biology
  • V   Semester     : Genetic Engineering (I), Plant and Animal Biotechnology (II paper)
  • VI  Semester     : Agriculture and Environmental Biotechnology (III) and Industrial and Medical Biotechnology(IV)

Program : B. Sc (Biotechnology)

Subject Combination: Non NEP : Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry

Subject Combination: NEP          : Biotechnology, Botany

Syllabus Of Non NEP Biotechnology Course from I to VI Sem

Syllabus of NEP Biotechnology course from I to II sem

Syllabus Of NEP Biotechnology Course from III to IV Sem


List of research equipments:

1 PCR Thermal Cycler 01
2 Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis(PAGE) 01
3 Orbital Shaker 01
4 Cold Centrifuge 01
5 Laminar Air Flow 01
6 pH Meter 01
7 Deep Freezer 01
8 UV Spectrophotometer 01
9 UV Illuminator 01
10 Centrifuge 01
11 Inclined Mono-ocular Microscopes 12
12 Electrophoresis Unit 01
13 Micropipettes 03
14 Autoclave 01
15 Water bath 01
16 Incubator 16
17 BOD Incubator 01
18 Weighing Balance 01
19 Refrigerator 01
20 Microwave oven 10
21 Stage Micrometer 02
22 Ocular Micrometer 01


i) BOS/ BOAE members:

Sl. No Name of the Faculty BOS BOAE BOE
1 Dr. Sumangala Deshmukh 02 01 02
2 Dr. Sharada Beknal 03 02 04
3 Smt. Shilpa Bandrad 03 02 02
4 Dr. Renuka Rampure 03 02 03
5 Dr. Basavarajeshwari Avanti 02 02 03

NAAC/ IQAC related workshops/ conferences/etc attended :

Name of the Seminar/Conference/Symposia/Workshop/Webinar Name of the sponsoring agency Date and Place
One Day National Conference on “NAAC : A Road Ahead” SB College of Commerce & Science, Kalaburagi 20-04-2018, SB College of Commerce, Kalaburagi
One Day Workshop on “New Modalities of IQAC/NAAC” College IQAC 08-09-2018, MSI Degree College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Kalaburagi
Two Day “Professional Development Training Program for Teachers” College IQAC 30-10-2018, 31-10-2018, Smt. VG Degree College & PG Centre for Women, Kalaburagi
Two Day National Seminar on “Sensitization of Changing Perspectives in NAAC Assessment & Accreditation Process” NAAC Bengaluru & College IQAC 13-09-2019 to 14-09-2019, Smt. VG Degree College for women

iv) Value added courses details –

Link to Value Added Course Course details Duration Course conducted
View Report of Value Added Course – Bioinformatics Certificate course in Bioinformatics 1st March to 30th March 2019 For final year BBC, CBZ and MCZ combination.
View Report of Value Added Course – Cultivation of Mushroom Certificate course in Cultivation of Mushroom 5th of July to 3rd of Aug 2017 B.Sc III & V sem students of Biotech Combination.

v) Bridge Course:

Bridge course in Biotechnology conducted by the Department at the beginning of the academic year is an effort on our part to fill-in the chasm that exists between the shared knowledge of students at the entry-level and the course requirements. The duration of the course was 15 days. The objective of the Bridge Course is to provide adequate foundation in the core applied science subject so that students do not face any difficulty when the classes commence. During this interaction of few days with the faculty, the Students will come out of their hesitation and it will be the best platform for the Students to interact with the faculty members, making it responsible for them to build strong relationships with faculty and other fellow Students.

Syllabus for the bridge course: View Bridge Course Syllabus

Time table of the bridge course: View TimeTable of the Bridge Course

List of students attended the Course: View List

Bridge course has produced an insight to the Biotechnology Course which Students will be undertaking in the further 3 year duration. It was an interactive online class taken by the Department to ease the newly joined Students to the new and vast subject of Biotechnology.

vi) Teacher Exchange List:

Sl. No Name of the Teacher College/Institution Topic Date Class
1 Dr. Asma Bi. Bi. Roza College, Kalaburagi. Antigen-Antibody Reactions 17.09.2017 B.Sc III semester
2 Dr. Jahanara Khursheed Bi. Bi. Roza College, Kalaburagi Plant Pathogens 16.02.2018 B. Sc VI semester

vii) Projects/ Field work/ Internships list: Visit to Chincholi Forest and Chandrampalli Dam with Botany Department.

Sl. No. Academic Year B.Sc I B.Sc II B.Sc III Total Strength
1 2017-18 30 32 21 83
2 2018-19 19 30 31 80
3 2019-20 20 18 30 68
4 2020-21 20 18 18 56
5 2021-22 16 20 18 54
6 2022-23 27 16 19 62
List of Students from 2017 to 2022
List of the students for the Academic year 2017-18
List of the students for the Academic year 2018-19
List of the students for the Academic year 2019-20
List of the students for the Academic year 2020-21
List of the students for the Academic year 2021-22
List of students of the year 2022-23
Result of the students 2017-18

Course,Program & Program Specific Outcome

Course Outcomes:

Cell Biology

-This course presents the types and structural details of the basic unit by which all the living things are made of (the cell). Goals: To make the student to understood the concept of cell and their activities. This course presents the types and structural details of the basic unit by which all the living things are made of (the cell). Goals: To make the student to understood the concept of cell and their activities.

Biochemistry –

This course presents the chemical reactions or metabolic functions in the living system and their regulations. Goals: To make the student to understood the concept of biochemical regulations Objectives: On successful completion of the subject the student should have understood basic structure and metabolism of Biomolecules.


-This course presents the utility of microbes. Goals: To make the student to understood the applications of microbes Objectives: On successful completion of the subject the student should have understood: Fermentation, Microbial products, Vaccine and antibiotics.


– This course presents the basic defense mechanism of animals Goals: To make the student to understood the concept immunology Objectives: On successful completion of the subject the student should have understood: Immunity, Antigen, Antibody, Cells of immune system and their function and regulations.

Molecular Biology

– This course presents the genetics at molecular level Goals: On successful completion of the subject the student should have understood the molecular aspects of genetic.

Genetic Engineering

-This course presents the genetics at molecular level Goals: On successful completion of the subject the student should have understood the molecular aspects of genetics.

Plant Biotechnology

 -This course presents the application of Plants in Biotechnology Goals: To make the student to understood usage of Plant products and exploitation of them in Biotechnology. Objectives: On successful completion of the subject, the student should have understood: Crop development, Callus culture, Biotechnological applications of plants.

Animal Biotechnology

– This course presents the application of animal Biotechnology Goals: To make the student to understood usage of Animal products and exploitation of them in Biotechnology. Objectives: On successful completion of the subject, culture, Animal tissue culture, Animal products, production & improvement of them.

Environmental Biotechnology

– This course presents the Study and the Management of the Environment Goals: To make the student to understood Ecology and Conservation of the Environment Objectives: On successful completion of the subject the student should have understood Ecosystem, energy flow and Uses and values of Biodiversity. Agricultural Biotechnology- This course presents biotechnology in agriculture, growth and historical perspective of agricultural biotechnology.

Agriculture Biotechnology – Risks and applications. Transgenic plants resistance to biotic and abiotic stress.

Medical Biotechnology

 – The field of Medical Biotechnology includes research and development of technology used in the medical, agricultural and pharmaceutical industries. Medical biotechnology is the use of living cells and cell materials to research and produce pharmaceutical and diagnostic products that help treat and prevent human diseases. Most medical biotechnologists work in academic or industrial settings. Medical biotechnology is the use of living cells and cell materials to research and produce pharmaceutical and diagnostic products that help treat and prevent human diseases.

Industrial Biotechnology

– includes modern application of biotechnology for sustainable processing and production of chemical products, materials and fuels. Biotechnological processing uses enzymes and microorganisms to produce products that are useful to a broad range of industrial sectors, including chemical and pharmaceutical, human and animal nutrition, pulp and paper, textiles, energy, materials and polymers, using renewable raw materials.

Program Outcome

: BSc is one of the popular undergraduate courses that students opt for after completing their 10+2 studies. The course is usually offered by all the top notch universities across the country with different specialization. B.Sc. is an undergraduate level course offered at all the leading national and state level universities in India. Students with minimum academic qualification of class XII are eligible to purse Bachelor of Science course in different branches. Bachelor of Science (BSc) offers theoretical as well as practical knowledge about different subject areas. These subject areas include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology and other fields depending on the specialization a student opts. Admission procedure for BSc may or may not be conducted test depending on the university and college policy. In case of no entrance exam admission in the courses is done on the basis of merit determined through marks scored in 10+2 final examinations. Career prospects- Students pursuing a degree in BSc generalcourse can apply for a job in fields such as teaching, banking and marketing.

However, it is recommended for students to pursue a master’s Program after getting their BSc degree to boost their chances of getting a better profile and higher salaried jobs in their respective fields. Science graduates can go to serve in industries or may opt for establishing their own industrial unit. After the completion of the B.Sc. degree there are various other options available for the science students. Often, in some reputed universities or colleges in India and abroad the students are recruited directly by big MNC’s after their completion of the course.

Program Specific Outcome

: Biotechnology teaches about biological sciences with engineering technologies that manipulate living organisms and biological systems to produce products that advance healthcare, medicine, agriculture, food, pharmaceuticals and environment control. Program Specific Outcome a general course emphasizing distribution, a general course emphasizing distribution, morphology and physiology of microorganisms in addition to skills in aseptic procedures, isolation and identification. This course also includes sophomore level material covering immunology, virology, and epidemiology and DNA technology. Recommended for all allied health students. Three hours lecture and four hours lab per week.


PSO1 : Successful professional carer & / or higher studies by gaming knowledge in fundamental & biological principles (Cognitive objective)

PSO: Provide strong foundation in the core biotechnology courses to evaluate real life problems and to propose biotechnological students with economical and social viability.

PSO: Sensitize on environmental, health and bioethical issues, Intellectual property right, professional ethics and life-long learning through application orientated activities Behavioural objective.

PSO4 :  To develop scientific temperament and social responsibilities in the students.

PSO5 : To best owe the students with all the research skills required to work independently.

COURSE TITLE : Cell Biology & Cytogenetics (I SEM)                               


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
C01 Understand the importance, evolution and diversity of cells. 1, 3 U, E
C02 Learns to visualize the cells by employing different types of microscopes. 2, 6 R, U
C03 Able to describe the organization, structure and functions of cell organelles. 1, 3 R, U
C04 Understand the biochemical pathways associated with the cellular organelles. 1, 3 R, U
C05 Rationalize different transport mechanisms occurring in the cell. 1, 3 AN, E
C06 Understand the cell signalling mechanisms. 1, 3 R, U
C07 Perceive overall mechanism of all growth and cell cycle and division. 1, 3 U, AN
C08 Understand the sequential events that occur during mitosis and meiosis. 1, 3 R, U

COURSE CODE A312 Practical

Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
1 The students get familiarized with basic principles of working of a microscope. 2 R, U
2 Students will be able to observe & correctly identify different cell types and cellular structures using different microscopes. 2 R, U, Ap

COURSE TITLE : BIOCHEMISTRY ( II SEM.)                                                           


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
1 Describe the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. 3 R, U
2 Describe the classification and structural organization of proteins. 1 R, U
3 Describe the classification and mechanism of enzyme action. 1 R, U
4 Describe the catabolic reactions of carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids. 4 R, U
5 Describe the significance of secondary metabolites. 5 R, U
6 Comprehend the basic concepts of isolating, purifying, and characterizing proteins. 3 R, U, AN


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
1 The students can perform the estimation of proteins. 1, 2 R, U, AP
2 The students are aware of qualitative & quantitative estimation of biomolecules. 2, 5 Ap, An


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
C01 Gain knowledge on various classes of microorganisms, their history, Microscopy basics, and different staining techniques. 1, 3, 6 R, U, E
C02 Know about the microbial growth media, metabolism of microorganisms. 1, 3, 6 R, U
C03 Acquire knowledge on structural organization and multiplication of microorganisms. 1, 3 U, C
C04 Understand historical milestones in the field of immunology. 1, 3 R, U
C05 Know about the overall immune system of human beings, cells, and organs involved in immunity. 1, 3 R, U, AN
C06 Understand the types of immunity. 1, 3 U, AN, E


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
1 Apply basic techniques for identifying antigen-antibody interactions. 2, 4 Ap, An
2 Elucidate the reason for immunization & be aware of different vaccines. 4, 5 Ap, An
3 Impart practical knowledge on microbial community by studying different methods of inoculation & media preparation. 4 U, Ap, An


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
CO1 Learn structural levels of nucleic acids DNA, RNA, and genome organization in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. 1, 3, 4, 5 U, R
CO2 Describe the basic structure and biochemistry of nucleic acids and proteins and discriminate between them. 1, 3 R, U
CO3 Identify the principles of DNA replication, transcription, and translation and explain how to relate to each other. 1, 3, 4 R, U
CO4 Discuss clearly about gene organization and mechanisms of control the gene expression in various organisms. 1, 3 AP, U
CO5 Discuss clearly about mechanisms of control the gene expression. 1, 4, 3 U, AP
CO6 Articulate applications of molecular biology in the modern world. 5, 3, 4 U, AP


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
1 Be able to understand the functional significance of DNA technology. 1, 2 U
2 To gain a hands-on experience in techniques used in molecular biology & their applications. 4, 5 Ap


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
CO1 Aware of how to clone commercially important genes. 2, 3, 4, 6 R, U, E
CO2 To produce the commercially important recombinant proteins. 2, 3, 4 U, Ap
CO3 Aware of gene and genome sequencing technique. 3, 4, 8 R, U, E
CO4 Aware of microarrays, Analysis of gene expression and proteomics. 3, 8 R, AP
CO5 Aware of how to clone the genes from the genomic library. 2, 3, 8 R, E
CO1E422 Practicals Students practically learn techniques of plasmid isolation & agarose gel electrophoresis. 2, 4 U, Ap, An
CO2 Students get an idea about transformation in bacterial cells & screening of transformation. 1, 2 U, Ap, An


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
CO1 Understand the nature of the plant genome and its complications, also understand the usage of these genes in crop improvement programs. 1, 3, 5 R, U
CO2 Select a suitable cloning vector for the production of genetically modified plants. 2, 3, 5 U, AN
CO3 Understand the importance of various transgenic plants and its role in crop improvement and green revolution. 3, 4 R, U
CO4 Recollect and remember to define understand the fundamental knowledge of animal cell culture. 3, 8 R, U
CO5 Understand the concepts and procedures of monoclonal antibodies and gene therapy of animal infections. 3, 4 R, U, AN
CO6 Understand the concepts and strategies used for the production of transgenic animals. 3, 4 R, U


Sl. No. The course will focus on practical aspects of cell culture like design & layout of the laboratory, aseptic techniques, contamination, methods for measuring viability. PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
CO1 The course will focus on practical aspects of cell culture like design & layout of the laboratory, aseptic techniques, contamination, methods for measuring viability. 1, 2 Ap, An
CO2 Students will get practical hands-on how to establish a cell line & its maintenance. 4, 5 Ap, An


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
CO1 Describe the role that Agrobacterium tumefaciens plays in producing genetically modified plant crops. 1, 3 R, U
CO2 Comprehend the basic principles of agricultural biotechnology. 1, 3, 4 AP, AN
CO3 Analyze the different applications of genetically modified plants or crops and related issues. 3, 6 U, AN
CO4 Appreciate the importance of the environment by assessing its impact on the human world. 3, 5 R, U
CO5 Analyze the importance of social issues. 1, 3, 5 U, AN
CO6 Analyze the impact of the human population, describe the concept of pollution management. 3, 6 R, U, AN


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Level
CO1 Demonstration of the effect of herbicide on plant growth using pot culture. 3, 4, 5 R, U
CO2 Students will learn how to produce bio-fertilizer & bio-pesticide. 1, 5 R, U


Sl. No. On completing the course the students will be able to: PSOs Addressed Cognitive Levels
CO1 Able to learn, define, and understand the basics in the industrial production of bio-products and methods. 3, 6 R, U
CO2 Gain the knowledge and manufacturing process of the primary metabolites of commercial importance. 1, 2 U, C
CO3 Able to estimate, evaluate, and express the production of therapeutic and diagnostic products. 1, 3, 8 U, R
CO4 Have good knowledge of the morphology and functions of the organism. 3, 4, 7 R, U, C
CO5 Know the clinical diagnostic process of the main human diseases, including applied technologies. 3, 7, 8 U, AN
CO6 Study the different pathogenic and medically important microorganisms. 3, 7 U, E


CO1 Students get an idea of large scale production, preparation of instruments, etc., by visiting the fermentation industry. 1, 4 U, AP
CO2 Students practice various techniques of isolation, screening of microbial strains. 4, 5 AP, AN
CO3 Be able to perform the techniques related to health care. 3, 5 U, AP

Future Plans

  • Exposure of students to Hi tech laboratories
  • To conduct the workshop on Hands on training to students in new molecular biology techniques
  • Proposal for Post Graduation course
  • To develop advances in Plant tissue culture lab.


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Rank Holders

BA/BSc Course

Aarati Gopiram Pareek
BBA - 86.67% - 9th Rank

Moksha B N
BSc - 91.25% - 7th Rank

MSc Course

Shruti Jajee
7.68 Grade - 4th Rank